Wednesday, April 20, 2011

27 years!

Happy Birthday to my baby girl, Amy Elizabeth! I cannot believe you are twenty-seven! While it makes me happy that you are it also brings tears to my eyes to know that you are so grown up and a mommy yourself. How I miss the days when you and your siblings were little...
Amy 4 months
Amy 7 months
Amy's first Easter

Me and my blankie - true comfort!
Grandma Breed with Amy
Here are some facts about her entrance into our family:

Amy was due on April 27th. My Dr. didn't really want her to come any earlier than that. However, the closer her time came the more evident it became that she would be born about a week earlier than expected. Dr. Fillerup didn't really want me to go into labor after having previous c-sections. Thank goodness! (and don't you just love his name? Leland Fillerup - what a great man.)

My Dr. kept telling me that Amy was going to be a red-headed boy, but I knew different! The morning of her delivery he had me have an amniocentesis, to determine if she could be delivered at that time or not. During the amnio he was questioning whether or not I wanted to know the gender! Seriously? No! I was that close I was going to continue to wait and find out in the delivery room! :)

Amy was born in Paradise, CA at Feather River Hospital. It is just a small hospital so they didn't do epidurals there, instead I had a spinal - which would prove to be quite a headache later - literally. Fortunately it only lasted a few days.

Pat was only allowed in delivery with me for a short period of time, then he was scooted off to go with Amy while she got all checked out. I didn't see either of them again for quite a while since I was a bit drugged.

I was so excited that I had a baby girl! I saw one of the doctor's from our ward and said, "Dr. Correy, I just had a baby girl!" However, when the nurses came and asked me if I wanted to see my baby I referred to her as a boy...and she was like, 'you had a girl, right?' All I can say is that it was the drugs... I knew I had a girl! I was elated to have a little girl! I would have been happy no matter what but I felt from the start that she was a girl and that felt right.
Amy with Craig - good buddies
Amy in Hawaii age 4
 Best friends forever - Amy and Rach 
 Amy and Craig playing a game... with a broken foot!
 Amy's 5th birthday
 Amy going to 2nd grade
Measuring up!

Amy is now happily married to Brad and they have two wonderful little boys, James and Gavin. She is a wonderful person and tries so hard to be a great mommy. She has learned a great deal over these twenty-seven years and will continue to learn and grow as life continues. We are all blessed to have her in our lives.
I love you Amers!


  1. thanks, momma! glad to be your daughter. you are an amazing mom.

    and man, i was a cute baby ;)

  2. hello came across your page by accident, and discovered we were both born at Feather River Hospital and I too was delivered by Dr. Fillerup!!!!! my birthday is Feb. 23, 1979. so neat to hear about someone who was born in Paradise , same hospital, and same Dr. !!!!
