Monday, July 18, 2011

Cat's Out of the Bag

Nope, not a post about our little Missy. (who is rather difficult these days I might add)

We are super excited that our family is growing. In August comes Darci Lynn - whom I cannot wait to meet!

Then in October comes Mr. Westmoreland - Amy and Brad are having another boy! Yep! That will be 3 boys under the age of 3! Since she announced it on her blog I feel like it's now okay for me to announce it here - especially since anyone who reads my blog probably already knows. =)

I love our grandkids - those who are here and those who haven't arrived yet.


  1. Congratulations! That's exciting! Who is Darci Lynn coming to?

  2. How exciting! Congrats to grandma and grandpa! Who does Darci belong too?

  3. Craig and Angie are having Darci sometime in August. She is due the 25th! :) I love that our family is growing!
